Friday, December 19, 2008

Crying it out, Part II & some happier thoughts

So I guess HP has been talking to all his parent friends and learning their CIO and sleep training methods. He comes home tonight saying he knows how to "do it" now and is ready to let her cry it out again. But we will not skip her feeding, just make sure not to play with her in any way. Feed and back to bed.

I wasn't so sure, but I was planning to go out shopping anyway, so he was on his own to try it. Turns out he actually managed to let her cry, for an entire hour he said. She was going crazy in the crib, going "MA, MA, MA" as she normally does when she cries, exhausting herself to the point where she would fall asleep for a few seconds then wake up and start wailing again. Then he feeds her and she ends up pooping so that takes another 20 minutes to get her all clean. I arrived home at that point.

Miraculously, she only cried for about 2 minutes and went right back to bed again. So cute, arms spread eagle and limp on both sides.

I am so glad I wasn't here to listen to her. But this CIO thing only works if you're consistent. And tomorrow I'm designated baby watcher as HP goes out to the city. Can I stick with it? Guess we'll find out.

On a happier note, I thought I'd talk about something other than baby for a bit . . . It's the holiday season! Ever since I met HP, and now more than ever with Tylo, I have really learned to love this time of year.

Here are my top 3 favorite reasons to love the holiday season:

1. The lights! I am in love with our xmas tree. It's decked out with a couple hundred dollars worth of ornaments, but there's something very special about picking out that beautiful ornament when I take a trip somewhere and the anticipation of putting it up in the tree that year. This year, I splurged on some Hallmark Keepsake ornaments, all for Tylo's first christmas. I also love seeing the lights in malls and on homes. Around here, only one in like 20 homes are decorated, but it still lifts your spirits a bit when you see it.

2. Mint - Chocolate Combo. I don't know how they decided mint and chocolate should only go together during the holidays, but that's what makes it extra special I guess. I love seeing the Mint Mocha Latte up on the chalkboard "Specials" menu at Starbucks, the mint M&Ms on the shelves. Oh what a wonderful flavor combination. My favorites include mint malt balls at Harry & David (available year round actually), Brachs mint nougats and Minty Bells (which must be retired, because I haven't seen them in like 8 years. Yes, I check for them every year.). I also learned how to make peppermint bark this year - sooo worth it to avoid paying $27 a box at Williams Sonoma. Except I can't figure out how to layer both white and dark chocolate without it separating.

3. Food Gifts & The Fact that it's OKAY to indulge. Maybe it's just me, but I love gourmet food gifts. So much better than stuff I don't want, will never use, will never wear. I love getting that gourmet chocolately popcorn (think Moosemunch), cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil in a pretty bottle, almond toffee made in Colorado that costs an arm and a leg (Thanks Jen!). All stuff I wouldn't buy for myself unless it was on clearance after the holidays are over because it expires in a week. I'll admit it, I'm the first one to raid the food gift baskets at work. Alright, so I don't want the cheese, the smoked salmon, the pepper jellies or the fruit (seriously, gourmet pears??!!!), but if it is sweet and full of ingredients I can't afford myself, I will love you for it.

And during the holidays people always say "eat more, it's the holidays!" Hopefully, no one is thinking "geez, 6 months and you still have all that baby weight?"


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